High Technology Letters


High Technology Letters(ISSN NO : 1006-6748) is an international journal which provides platform for research paper publishing. HTL Journal publishes research paper on diverse All Engineering Subject are and Management science fields.

General Information:

HTL, High Technology Letters(ISSN NO : 1006-6748) started publication from year 1996 and publish monthly journal under ISSN 1006-6748. HTL publishes monthly online version Only. We have registered ISSN in India and you can search ISSN details at India ISSN portal (http://nsl.niscair.res.in/ISSNPROCESS/issnassignedinfo.jsp). HTL has been registered under IJSRP INC. in India and this journal is joint collaboration between researchers from different countries.

Publication details:

Journal: High Technology Letters

Abbreviation: HTL

Periodical: Monthly

ISSN: 1006-6748

DOI: doi.org/10.37896/HTL

HTL Aim and Scope:

Aim: To provides an open access research journal platform for scientists, scholars, researchers and engineers to exchange their research work, technical notes & surveying results among professionals through out the world.

Scope: We publish high quality research in field of Engineering, Arts, Management, Science and Technology in its monthly research journal.

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For any further information, send email to:

Editor: editorhtljournal@gmail.com